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Hasbro’s Materials and Chemical Management Policy

Hasbro’s Materials and Chemical Management Policy guides the specification, sourcing and screening of materials and chemicals in products and packaging. This policy applies to all Hasbro products worldwide and extends to Hasbro vendors and suppliers involved in the production of our products. Additional vendor and supplier expectations are set through the Hasbro Vendor Manual and the Hasbro Sustainability Center of Excellence.

Materials and chemical management at Hasbro is based on the following principles and commitments:

  • The safety of children enjoying our products is our number one priority. We comply with all applicable global laws, regulations and safety standards and adopt and apply international standards where laws and regulations are less stringent.
  • We proactively evaluate materials and chemicals in Hasbro’s products and packaging, and we prioritize them for restriction based on published lists of chemicals of concern, retailer preferences and sound scientific analysis that reveals a potential impact to human health or the environment.
  • We require our vendors and suppliers to provide bills of substance and toxicological risk assessments (where appropriate) for all materials used in our products.
  • We perform chemical safety assessments of chemical constituents and formulations in products and packaging, and we strive to reduce potential hazards by replacing a chemical of concern with a less hazardous alternative where the replacement does not adversely impact other aspects of product safety.
  • We work with our vendors, suppliers, product safety experts, and stakeholders to redesign products and packaging to avoid the use of chemicals of concern and to drive innovation in the development and adoption of safe and environmentally friendly alternatives.
  • We support policies, standards and harmonized legislation to ensure that comprehensive hazard data are available for chemicals on the market and to eliminate or reduce known hazards. These policies, standards and legislation should be based on sound science and include assessments of relevant hazards, exposures and subsequent risks and a preference for lower-risk alternatives.
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