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Corporate Social Responsibility

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Political Activity and Lobbying Policy

At Hasbro, we believe it is our responsibility as a corporate citizen to engage constructively on global public policy issues that may directly impact our business. All engagement, including any political spending, is led by the Legal and Communications Departments and signed off by the Executive Leadership Team, as necessary. Final authority for any engagement, including political spending, lies with the CEO.

Government and NGO Engagement

Global Government officials, policymakers, regulators, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community groups often have an interest in what we do as a company around the globe.

All corporate interaction with these groups should be evaluated by Hasbro’s Legal and Communications Departments prior to engagement. Meetings with government officials regarding Hasbro business must be cleared in advance by the Legal and Communications Departments.

To the extent Hasbro engages in lobbying on matters of public policy, the Company is committed to disclosure of such expenditures as required by U.S. law and applicable local requirements in regions in which we operate.

Political activity

All individuals have the right to voluntarily participate in the political process including making personal political contributions; however, Hasbro employees need to make it clear that their personal views and actions are not those of Hasbro, Inc.

Hasbro employees should contact the Legal and Communications Departments for approval before engaging in any lobbying or discussions with government officials on behalf of Hasbro.

  • Since personal political activities can sometimes create a conflict with Hasbro, employees should talk to the Legal and Communications Departments if they or a close relative are planning to accept or seek a public office, or if any other political activity might have an impact on Hasbro or on their job.
  • In accordance with our values and all applicable laws, Hasbro exercises its right and responsibility to make its position known on relevant issues, including engaging with global policymakers and regulators on policy issues.

Political Contributions

Hasbro does not have a U.S. Political Action Committee (PAC) nor does the company make corporate contributions to political causes.

The U.S. Toy Association (TA), to which Hasbro is a member of, does have a PAC. However, it is important to note that Hasbro’s membership dues to the TA are not used to fund the PAC of the TA. Any other advocacy that membership dues may fund are detailed on the TA website. Hasbro does not have any political donations to report because this Policy prohibits them.

Any philanthropic activities undertaken through the Hasbro Foundation, Inc. that could result in government collaboration or engagement are not considered corporate contributions to political causes and are not covered by this Policy. Please see our Global Philanthropy’s Guidelines and Policies for rules governing philanthropic contributions.

This Policy is approved by Hasbro Executive Leadership Team and the Board of Directors. The Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee of the Board also reviews Hasbro public policy (and related political contribution policies) as part of its remit.

For additional information please see the following:

ESG Reports

Hasbro Lobbying Disclosures with US House of Representatives and US Senate

Hasbro Philanthropy and Giving Policies

Toy Industry Association Advocacy

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