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Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Commitment and Policy Statement

Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to without regard to race, color, religion, language, pregnancy status, ancestry, age, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information, veteran or military status or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. These standards of fair treatment and non-discrimination are set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organizations (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

While it is generally recognized that governments have the duty to protect and uphold human rights, Hasbro is committed to respecting and promoting human rights. Through proactive due diligence, we seek to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts from our own operations. Where we are directly linked to human rights impacts through our business relationships, we will seek ways to positively influence the human rights actions of our business partners, including our suppliers.

Core Focus Areas

We conducted a corporate wide assessment and mapping of our human rights risks and opportunities. The following constitute our primary focus areas and implementation mechanisms:

  1. Employees: We recognize that Hasbro employees are our greatest asset, and our business is most successful when employees are treated with dignity and respect. We implement our human rights commitment through Hasbro’s Code of Conduct, our human resources policies, and our Environment, Health and Safety Policy. We foster compliance with these policies through thorough training for all employees.We foster compliance with these policies through thorough training for all employees.
    • Non-Discrimination: Employment decisions are based on merit, qualifications and abilities. Hasbro does not discriminate in employment and advancement opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, language, pregnancy status, ancestry, age, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information, veteran or military status or any other characteristic protected by applicable law.
    • Fair Wages: Compensation at Hasbro is designed to be performance-driven, fair and competitive within the local labor market. Base pay rates are determined by job responsibility level, skills, experience and location and are targeted at the competitive market range of companies with whom we compete for talent. Base pay rates are reviewed and updated annually based on the job performed and the local market wages for similar skills, to ensure we are providing fair wages.
    • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: We believe that the more inclusive we are as a company, the more effective our employees will be and the stronger our business will perform. We want our work to move beyond traditional gender and demographic stereotypes and to celebrate people of all backgrounds and lived experiences. We work diligently to foster an inclusive culture with a diverse workforce that reflects the consumer and communities we serve globally.

  2. Supply Chain Workers: : We believe that working with supply chain partners that share in our human rights commitment is critical to the success of our business operations and brand integrity. We require our suppliers and licensees to provide fair and safe working conditions for all workers and to treat their employees with dignity and respect. We implement our human rights commitment in our supply chain through our Global Business Ethics Principles and through our Ethical Sourcing program, which prohibit all forms of forced labor, including human trafficking and modern slavery.
    • Prohibition of Forced Labor: We implement our human rights commitment in our supply chain through our Global Business Ethics Principles, which prohibit all forms of forced labor, including human trafficking and modern slavery, enforcing it through our Ethical Sourcing auditing program, remediation and capacity building programs, as detailed in our Global Modern Slavery Statement.
    • Conflict Minerals: Our human rights commitment to workers in the raw materials supply chain is also implemented through our compliance with the applicable conflict minerals regulations, including those of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
    • Women’s Empowerment: We believe that women’s empowerment is essential to advancing human rights protections globally and to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. With women representing the majority of workers in our supply chain, we have a responsibility and opportunity to empower the women whose lives we touch. As a demonstration of this commitment, we implement female empowerment programs in our supply chain to provide women with the opportunity to gain skills and confidence to advance in society.

  3. Children: We believe that the well-being of children globally is inextricably linked to the success of our company. Our commitment to respecting the human rights of children is implemented in the following areas.
    • Product Safety: Understanding our responsibility to respect human rights extends to our products, we implement our human rights commitment to children through our deep and long-standing commitment to product safety. To ensure the safety of children who play with our products, we have rigorous quality assurance and product safety standards and processes.
    • Community: Our human rights commitment to children's rights and well-being are implemented, in part, through our community investments to support children-based initiatives.


Hasbro is committed to:

  • Meeting or exceeding applicable laws and regulations where Hasbro does business.
  • Where local laws are in conflict with international human rights standards, we comply with applicable laws while seeking ways to meet the underlying human rights principles.
  • Monitoring and assessing risks to avoid actual and potential human rights violations in our operations and supply chain.
  • Training and regular communication with employees, vendors, and licensees regarding our human rights commitments.
  • Providing access to independent and confidential grievance mechanisms without fear of retaliation.
  • Investigating allegations of human rights violations and remediating any violations that are identified.
  • Engaging with stakeholders regarding human rights, including governments, non-governmental organizations, business and industry partners, investors, employees, and consumers.
  • Supporting children in need through a variety of community investments.
  • Advancing our human rights practices through a journey of continuous improvement.
  • Reporting on our progress through annual ESG reports.


Oversight for this human rights policy resides with the Nominating, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee of the Hasbro, Inc. Board of Directors. The Corporate Sustainability team regularly reviews and updates the policy in close collaboration with the functional teams.

Reporting and Addressing Concerns

Hasbro has various channels to report and address human rights concerns.

  • Employees can report ethics concerns anonymously and without fear of retaliation through Hasbro’s global ethics helpline and two confidential mailboxes, where physical mail can be sent.
  • Consumers and the public can contact Hasbro through our Consumer Care communication channels
  • Internal and external stakeholders can also contact Hasbro at hasbrosustainability@hasbro.com

Non-compliance with Hasbro's Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Additionally, non-compliance with Hasbro’s Global Business Ethics Principles may result in termination of business if a third-party factory is unwilling or unable to remediate

Policy Development

The development of our policy was informed by direct and indirect stakeholder input, including feedback and/or information from our supply chain, monitoring organizations, industry leaders, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and investors. This policy is intended to be a living document that will be evaluated and revised as circumstances change and as our business evolves.

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